Who/What Helps You With Your Thanksgiving Meal? by Sophia Lowe

Every family has their own way or ways of cooking their Thanksgiving meals.  I asked 22 people who or where do they look for help when it comes to cooking their Thanksgiving meals. 5 out of the 22 said they just know how to make the meals from experience or learning in previous years. 8 out of the 22 said they ask their grandparents. 6 said they ask their moms, 1 said they ask a combination of their friends and 2 said they use the internet to look up recipes.

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All 5 of the people who said they know from experience were females.  7 out of the 8 who asked their grandparents were females and 1 was a male.  4 out of the 6 who asked their moms were female and 2 were males.  The 1 who said they asked a friend was a female. Both people who use the internet for recipes were females.


The amount of dishes they contributed to each meal also varied.  4 out of the 5 people who cooked from experience were making all of the dishes that were being consumed at their house for Thanksgiving and 1 out of the five was only making 2 dishes. 2 out of the 8 who asked their grandparents for help were making 1 dish, 3 were making 2 dishes, and 3 were making 5 or more dishes for their Thanksgiving feast.  For those who asked for help from mom 3 out of the 6 were making 1 dish, 2 were making 3 dishes and 1 was making 5 or more.  For the 1 that asked their friend for help, she was making all of the dishes at her home for Thanksgiving which was more than 5 and 1 out of the 2 that used the internet was making 1 dish and 1 was making 4 dishes.


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